Marcos Beccari's Master Selection


Marcos Beccari is a Brazilian artist, philosopher, and professor at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), holding a PhD in Philosophy of Education from the University of São Paulo (USP) and degrees in Design and Graphic Design from UFPR. Beyond academia, his watercolors, known for technical realism and vibrant portraits, have earned global recognition. Influenced by Baroque and Impressionist masters, his work honors icons like Winslow Homer and John Singer Sargent. As RockWell's International Brand Ambassador, Beccari has conducted successful masterclasses and workshops worldwide, earning praise from art institutions and media for his fluid and spontaneous approach. 

  • 102 Yellow Lemon
  • 104 Permanent Deep Yellow
  • 112 Permanent Yellow Green
  • 118 Ultramarine
  • 123 Payne's Grey
  • 133 Opera Red
  • M144 Prussian Blue
  • EM146 Valentine Purple
  • M149 Light Turquoise
  • M230 Burnt Sienna
  • 240 Chinese Red
  • 245 Gold Ochre

SKU: M-Marcos 15ml
